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Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Various opinions of my friends about myself

In a couple of days I’ve been asking my friends about how they think about me and my character. From this action, it can be concluded that I have many strengths and weaknesses and also has many character both positive and negative. The negative about me were, I am sensitive, noisy, don’t give a lot, fussy, stubborn, extravagant, violent, to laugh out loud, and very active. While the positive qualities were I’m a good, caring person, funny, confident, honest, smart, busy, hard working, responsible, helpful, easy going, low profile, daring to defend herself, simple, fun, outgoing, brave, and always do business.

With this result, now I understand what qualities I have, either positive or negative. I am very aware that many negative qualities in me need to be fixed right away. I will try to do better next time, although I knew that was not easy but I'll always try. For my positive qualities, I will try to improve it to become a better person.

At this opportunity, I want to thank all my friends who have spent their time to help me. It's nice to know my character, so I can improve it, and correct it then I can become a useful person and love by many people. Therefore, once again I thank all my friends who have been participated.

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